
Newton Advanced Fellowship

For more information click  Newton Advanced Fellowship and Newton Katip Çelebi Fund


EMBO Installation Grant


EMBO Installation Grants aim to strengthen science in the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and Turkey by encouraging talented researchers to establish independent laboratories in these countries.

For more info on the EMBO Installation Grants click here.


TUBITAK 3501 Carrer Development Program


The purpose of this program is to encourage young scientists with PhD degrees and who are at the beginning of their scientific careers by supplying project funds for their studies. The other goals of the program are helping young scientists, who are going to be the academic leaders of the 21st century, maintain their careers as researchers and lecturers in the best possible way, improving the national scientific level and increasing the role of science in national development.

Here is the link for TUBITAK 3501 Career Development Program.


EU FP7 Marie Curie Career Integration Grants

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For more info on the EU FP7 Marie Curie Career Integration Grants click here.